Would you rather stay at home than go into a health care facility or nursing home?
Assured Home Healthcare, LLC will provide the following home health care programs at flexible schedules and cost-friendly service rates.

Pediatric Care
We are really into pediatric care because we love children and enjoy caring for them.
Pediatric Care
Skilled Nursing
Home Health Aide
Private Duty Nursing
Knowledge center
A Caregiver is someone who is compassionate, reliable, knowledgeable, and most importantly, trustworthy. Assured Home Healthcare is well known to meet the needs of our clients by providing them with the most reliable, caring and compassionate care, giving their families peace of mind.
The gist simplified
The CCC Plus program is a Medicaid managed care program through the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS). Aetna Better Health was approved by DMAS to provide care coordination and health care services. Our goal is to help you improve your quality of care and quality of life.
You are eligible for CCC Plus when you have full Medicaid benefits, and meet one of the following categories:
- You are age 65 and older
- You are an adult or child with a disability
- You reside in a nursing facility (NF)
- You receive services through the CCC Plus home and community based services waiver [formerly referred to as the Technology Assisted and Elderly or Disabled with Consumer Direction (EDCD) Waivers]
- You receive services through any of the three waivers serving people with developmental disabilities (Building Independence, Family & Individual Supports, and Community Living Waivers), also known as the DD Waivers
When does CCC Plus begin:
CCC Plus will launch regionally. Start dates for eligible members are:
Tidewater – August 1, 2017
Central – September 1, 2017
Charlottesville/Western – October 1, 2017
Roanoke/Alleghany – November 1, 2017
Southwest – November 1, 2017
Northern/Winchester; December 1, 2017
Members transitioning from Medallion 3.0 that are in the Aged, Blind and Disabled (ABD) program will start January 1, 2018. Members currently in the Commonwealth Coordinated Care program will also transition to CCC Plus January 1, 2018.
Why choose Assured Home Healthcare?
We are committed to being your shoulder to lean on and providing honest advice for your loved one’s situation during this delicate time.
Daily care experts
We specialize in around the clock care to help our clients live well at home.
Peace of mind
Client independent ratings place our client satisfaction rate at 97%.
Available 24/7
We are available 24 hours a day to provide your loved one with a caregiver.
A trusted partner
We’re the trusted referral choice for pediatric & adult care professionals.
Balanced care
Our unique approach to care promotes healthy mind, body and spirit.
Cognitive therapeutics
Fun yet effective activities by experts to keep young & aging minds sharp
Rigorous Hiring
We verify work history, credentials, and references on all our providers.
Insurance Accepted
We accept Medicaid and other health insurance policies.
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Home health care professionals
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Clients Served
Cities served by Assured
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Our client satisfaction rate
Our 97% client satisfaction rate is unparalleled in our field.
Read below what our clients have to say and learn more about what makes us the premier provider of in-home senior care.
I do not think you could find a more professional and caring service than Assured. I have experienced not one, but five skilled caregivers through Assured and I have been immensely pleased with all of them.